Os vous donne la bienvenue à "ce jardin digital" où l´on a voulu vous montrer les moments les plus spéciaux de notre projet Comenius.
Dans ce projet réalisé entre 2008 et 2010 ont participé quatre pays, La Belgique , notre pays coordinnateur, la France, la Pologne et Espagne, c´est-à-dire, Nous.

Notre projet a consisté à imaginer et créer un jardin idéal européen formé par les éléments les plus beaux que les élèves et les professeurs de chaque pays ont choisis à partir de leurs parcs.

Nous espérons qu´à travers ce site vous pourriez apprendre un peu plus à propos de notre experience Comenius.

(Plasencia, 20-03-2010)

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Álvaro Mateos

We were in a Polish bar. I've chosen this photo because we had a really good time trying to understand that they wanted to say us. It was funny, they only speak Polish and some English,Datos adjuntos but a little. I think that they'll never forget the experience, and we also.

We were in the hotel. I've also chosen this photo because it was the hotel where we always ate when we were in Czerwionka-Leszcyny. In this photo I was with my Spanish partners and with two French girls. I think it was one of the last days we were in Poland, and when I see this photo it make me back memories to those days.

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